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Wednesday 11 December 2019

Course Name & Paper No.2 : Introduction to Child Psychology

Subject: Psychology

Course Name & Paper No.2 : Introduction to Child Psychology

Course Objectives:

1. This Course aim, at providing conceptual foundation of human development 
specially child development. 

2. It focuses on development in the life span in different domains with an emphasis 
on the cultural context and child problems.

3. In first part of developmental Psychology student will come to understand 
Human being`s development
4. To introduce to the complex blend of genetic and environmental influences that 
leads parents and children to be both alike and different.

5. Learn to use Psychology and other information sources.
6. Importance of Child Psychology.


Unit-1: History and Research Methods

 Early history of childhood
 Definition, Nature of Child Psychology
 Scope of Child Psychology
 Importance of Child Psychology.
Methods of child Psychology
 Observation
 Event Note
 Autobiography
 Ethics in Research on Children.

UNIT-2: Theory of Child Development

 The Psychoanalytic theory
o Freud’s Theory Three parts of personality Psychosexual development
o Erikson’s Theory Neo Freudian approach Psychosocial stages. 
 Social Learning Theory
o Traditional Behaviorism Influence of Ivan Pavlov Drive reduction theory, 
Influence of operant conditioning 
o Social learning theory (Bandura)
o Principle of conditioning and reinforcement. 
o Role of modeling, imitation/observation, role of cognition, 
 Piaget’s Cognitive & Developmental Theory:
o Piaget’s stages of development
o Piaget’s method of study.

UNIT: 3 Growths and Development

 Meaning of growth and 
 Concept and Principles of Development
 Characteristics of growth and development
 Factors affecting Child Development
 Stages growth and of Development.
Genetic Foundations: 
 The Genetic Code, The Sex Cells, Boy or Girl? Chromosomal Abnormalities. 
 Reproductive Choices: Genetic Counselling, Prenatal Diagnosis and Fetal 
Medicine, (The Alternative of adoption.) 
 Take it in councelling Psychology.
Environmental Contexts of Development: 
 The Family, Socio economic Status and Family Functioning, (The Impact of 
 Beyond the Family: Neighbourhoods, Schools, Towns, and Cities,) The 
Cultural Context.

UNITE-4: Personality Development 

 Definition of personality
 Nature, types of personality
 Effecting factor of personality
 Resistant factor of personality.
Disciplines and Authority:
 Meaning of Discipline and Authority
 Various nature of Home Authority (Types of Parenting)
 Characteristics of good Discipline
 Characteristics of proper Punishment.


 Definition of child Disorders
 Types, Characteristics, Diagnosis of children Disorders
 With Special reference to: Learning Disorders, Mental Retardation, Eating 
Disorders, Internet addiction, Autism, ADHD.
 Conflicts and Frustration: Meaning, Reasons of conflicts and Frustration in 
Child, Remove of Frustration.

Reference Books:

 Laura E. Berk; Development through Life Span, Illinois State University. Usa, 
Third Edition, Published By, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
 Child Development”(Sixth Edition) By Laura E. Berk. Illinoise State University 
 Discovering Life Span, By: Robert S. Feldman. University Of Massachusets 
U.S.A., Pub.By: Pearson Education New Delhi.
 On Line Resources: Child Psychology Laura Berk
 Dynamics of Child Development – H. B. English
 Child Development – Crow & Crow
 ર્ૉ. િોિા, ર્ૉ. ર્ઢાણીયા, ર્ૉ. ભાલાળા, ર્ૉ. જારસાણીયા, ર્ૉ. કુાંભાણી (આવૃનિ ૨૦૦૭-૨૦૦૮ અને
૨૦૧૬): બાળ મનોનવજ્ઞાન, સી. જમનાદાસની કાંપની, અમદાવાદ.
 બાળ માનસ પક્રરિય, ર્ૉ. બી. એ. પરીખ, પોપ્યુલર પ્રકાશન-સુરત.
 નવકાસલક્ષી મનોનવજ્ઞાન, પ્રા. યોગેન્ર કે. દેસાઈ, યુનનવસીટી ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક, ગુજરાત રાજ્ય, અમદાવાદ.
 નવકાસલક્ષી મનોનવજ્ઞાન, એનલઝાબેર્થ હરલોક, યુનનવસીટી ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક, ગુજરાત રાજ્ય, અમદાવાદ.

 બાળ મનોનવજ્ઞાન, સી. પી. પટેલ, યુનનવસીટી ગ્રાંર્થ નનમાકણ બોર્ક, ગુજરાત રાજ્ય, અમદાવાદ.


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