Course (Paper) Unique Code CORE
Course (Paper) Unique Code ELECTIVE-1
Course (Paper) Unique Code ELECTIVE-2
Course Objective :
To know basic concepts of Sociology.
To give an outline of Sociological Background.
To explain the scope and nature of Sociology.
To provide competitive atmosphere for the students.
Course Contents :
Chapter-1 Social Institution
Chapter-2 Caste Institutions
Chapter-3 Marriage Institution
Chapter-4 Family Institution
Text and Reference Books :
1. Shaer Robert : Ethnography of Ancient India.
2. Bailey F. G. : Trible, Caste & Nation Encyclopedia of Social Science
3. Ghurye G. S. : The Scheduled Tribe
4. Fair Child : Dictionary of Sociology
5. Grierson G. A. Linguistic Survey of India
6. Shrinivas M. N., Case in ModernIndia
7. Majumdar : Social Structure
8. Gazetter of Bombay Presidency
9. Risely H : ‘The People of India
10. Altekar A. S. : The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
11. Majumdar & Madan : ‘Social Anthrology
12. Shrinivas M. N., Religion & Society Among the Coorgs of South India.
Paper No. 2 : Indian Social Institutions
Chapter-1 Social Institution
A Meaning and definition of Social Institution
B Characteristics of social institution
C Functions of Social Institution
D Main Indian Social Institution
Chapter-2 Caste Institution
A Meaning and Characteristics of Caste
B Varna and Caste
C Casteism : Meaning and Causes
D Consequences of Casteism and its solution
Chapter-3 Marriage Institution.
A Marriage : Meaning and Aims
B Hindu Marriage : As a Sacrament
C Muslim Marriage Meaning Aims and as a Contract
D Divorse Meaning Causes and Consequences.
Chapter-4 Family Institution.
A Family : Meaning and Characteristics
B Types of Family : Joint and Nuclear
C Forms of Family : Patriarchal and Matriarchal
D Factors of change in Modern Family.
1. Shaer Robert : Ethnography of Ancient India.
2. Bailey F. G. : Trible, Caste & Nation Encyclopedia of Social Science
3. Ghurye G. S. : The Scheduled Tribe
4. Fair Child : Dictionary of Sociology
5. Grierson G. A. Linguistic Survey of India
6. Shrinivas M. N., Case in ModernIndia
7. Majumdar : Social Structure
8. Gazetter of Bombay Presidency
9. Risely H : ‘The People of India
10. Altekar A. S. : The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
11. Majumdar & Madan : ‘Social Anthrology
12. Shrinivas M. N., Religion & Society Among the Coorgs of South India.
Course (Paper) Unique Code CORE
Course (Paper) Unique Code ELECTIVE-1
Course (Paper) Unique Code ELECTIVE-2.
Course Objective :
To know basic concepts of Sociology.
To give an outline of Sociological Background.
To explain the scope and nature of Sociology.
To provide competitive atmosphere for the students.
Course Contents :
Chapter-1 Socialization
Chapter-2 Individual and Society
Chapter-3 Social Stratification and Mobility
Chapter-4 Social Control
Text and Reference Books :
Desai A. R. : Samajkhan 1-4 (Guj.) Guj. Uni. 1960.
Biersted Robert : The social order, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1970.
Alex Inkeles : What is sociology ! An introduction to the discipline & profession, Prentice Hall Inc.
Davis Kingsley : Human Society, Macmillan Co., 1961.
Gisbert : Fundamentals of Sociology.
Horton and Hunt : Sociology, Macgraw Hill Book Co. 1964.
Fairchild (Ed.) : Dictionary of Sociology.
Fichter Joseph H. : Sociology The University of Chicago Press, 1957.
Government of India : Social Welfare in India Planning Commission, 1960.
Haridas T. Majumdar : The Grammar of Sociology - Man in Society, Asia Pub. House, 1966.
Johnson Harry M. : Sociology - A Systematic Introduction, Allied Publication Indian Ed. 1966.
Ogburn and Him Koff : A H and Book of Sociology, Euresia Bub House, 1966.
Usha Kanharse (Trans.) Samajshatra (Gujarati) Guj. Uni.
V. Joshi (Dr.) “Paribhashik Shabda Kosh” Uni Granthnirman Board, Ahmedabad, 1999.
Paper No. 3 : Essential Concepts of Sociology
Chapter-1 Socialization
A Meaning and Definition
B Social Agencies : Family and Peer Groups
- Educational Institution
- Communication Media
Chapter-2 Individual and Society
A Relation between Individual and Society. Different View Points
B. Social Contract Theory
C. Social Organism Theory
D. Sociological View-point.
Chapter-3 Social Stratification and Mobility
A Social Stratification : Meaning and Nature
B Social Stratification : Functions and Dysfunctions
C Types of Social Mobility
D Factors Influencing Social Mobility
Chapter-4 Social Control
A Social Control : Meaning and Defination
B cteristics of Social Control
C Means of Social Control
- Mores
- Folkways
- Custom
- Law
- Fashion
D Importance of Social Control.
1. Desai A. R. : Samajkhan 1-4 (Guj.) Guj. Uni. 1960.
2. Biersted Robert : The social order, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1970.
3. Alex Inkeles : What is sociology ! An introduction to the discipline & profession,
Prentice Hall Inc. 1964.
4. Davis Kingsley : Human Society, Macmillan Co., 1961.
5. Gisbert : Fundamentals of Sociology.
6. Horton and Hunt : Sociology, Macgraw Hill Book Co. 1964.
7. Fairchild (Ed.) : Dictionary of Sociology.
8. Fichter Joseph H. : Sociology The University of Chicago Press, 1957.
9. Government of India : Social Welfare in India Planning Commission, 1960.
10. Haridas T. Majumdar : The Grammar of Sociology - Man in Society, Asia Pub.
House, 1966.
11. Johnson Harry M. : Sociology - A Systematic Introduction, Allied Publication
Indian Ed. 1966.
12. Ogburn and Him Koff : A H and Book of Sociology, Euresia Bub House, 1966.
13. Usha Kanharse (Trans.) Samajshatra (Gujarati) Guj. Uni.
14. V. Joshi (Dr.) “Paribhashik Shabda Kosh” Uni Granthnirman Board, Ahmedabad,
Course (Paper) Unique Code CORE
Course (Paper) Unique Code ELECTIVE-1
Course (Paper) Unique Code ELECTIVE-2
Course Objective :
To know basic concepts of Sociology.
To give an outline of Sociological Background.
To explain the scope and nature of Sociology.
To provide competitive atmosphere for the students.
Course Contents :
Chapter-1 Social Institution
Chapter-2 Caste Institutions
Chapter-3 Marriage Institution
Chapter-4 Family Institution
Text and Reference Books :
1. Shaer Robert : Ethnography of Ancient India.
2. Bailey F. G. : Trible, Caste & Nation Encyclopedia of Social Science
3. Ghurye G. S. : The Scheduled Tribe
4. Fair Child : Dictionary of Sociology
5. Grierson G. A. Linguistic Survey of India
6. Shrinivas M. N., Case in ModernIndia
7. Majumdar : Social Structure
8. Gazetter of Bombay Presidency
9. Risely H : ‘The People of India
10. Altekar A. S. : The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
11. Majumdar & Madan : ‘Social Anthrology
12. Shrinivas M. N., Religion & Society Among the Coorgs of South India.
Paper No. 2 : Indian Social Institutions
Chapter-1 Social Institution
A Meaning and definition of Social Institution
B Characteristics of social institution
C Functions of Social Institution
D Main Indian Social Institution
Chapter-2 Caste Institution
A Meaning and Characteristics of Caste
B Varna and Caste
C Casteism : Meaning and Causes
D Consequences of Casteism and its solution
Chapter-3 Marriage Institution.
A Marriage : Meaning and Aims
B Hindu Marriage : As a Sacrament
C Muslim Marriage Meaning Aims and as a Contract
D Divorse Meaning Causes and Consequences.
Chapter-4 Family Institution.
A Family : Meaning and Characteristics
B Types of Family : Joint and Nuclear
C Forms of Family : Patriarchal and Matriarchal
D Factors of change in Modern Family.
1. Shaer Robert : Ethnography of Ancient India.
2. Bailey F. G. : Trible, Caste & Nation Encyclopedia of Social Science
3. Ghurye G. S. : The Scheduled Tribe
4. Fair Child : Dictionary of Sociology
5. Grierson G. A. Linguistic Survey of India
6. Shrinivas M. N., Case in ModernIndia
7. Majumdar : Social Structure
8. Gazetter of Bombay Presidency
9. Risely H : ‘The People of India
10. Altekar A. S. : The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
11. Majumdar & Madan : ‘Social Anthrology
12. Shrinivas M. N., Religion & Society Among the Coorgs of South India.
Course (Paper) Unique Code CORE
Course (Paper) Unique Code ELECTIVE-1
Course (Paper) Unique Code ELECTIVE-2.
Course Objective :
To know basic concepts of Sociology.
To give an outline of Sociological Background.
To explain the scope and nature of Sociology.
To provide competitive atmosphere for the students.
Course Contents :
Chapter-1 Socialization
Chapter-2 Individual and Society
Chapter-3 Social Stratification and Mobility
Chapter-4 Social Control
Text and Reference Books :
Desai A. R. : Samajkhan 1-4 (Guj.) Guj. Uni. 1960.
Biersted Robert : The social order, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1970.
Alex Inkeles : What is sociology ! An introduction to the discipline & profession, Prentice Hall Inc.
Davis Kingsley : Human Society, Macmillan Co., 1961.
Gisbert : Fundamentals of Sociology.
Horton and Hunt : Sociology, Macgraw Hill Book Co. 1964.
Fairchild (Ed.) : Dictionary of Sociology.
Fichter Joseph H. : Sociology The University of Chicago Press, 1957.
Government of India : Social Welfare in India Planning Commission, 1960.
Haridas T. Majumdar : The Grammar of Sociology - Man in Society, Asia Pub. House, 1966.
Johnson Harry M. : Sociology - A Systematic Introduction, Allied Publication Indian Ed. 1966.
Ogburn and Him Koff : A H and Book of Sociology, Euresia Bub House, 1966.
Usha Kanharse (Trans.) Samajshatra (Gujarati) Guj. Uni.
V. Joshi (Dr.) “Paribhashik Shabda Kosh” Uni Granthnirman Board, Ahmedabad, 1999.
Paper No. 3 : Essential Concepts of Sociology
Chapter-1 Socialization
A Meaning and Definition
B Social Agencies : Family and Peer Groups
- Educational Institution
- Communication Media
Chapter-2 Individual and Society
A Relation between Individual and Society. Different View Points
B. Social Contract Theory
C. Social Organism Theory
D. Sociological View-point.
Chapter-3 Social Stratification and Mobility
A Social Stratification : Meaning and Nature
B Social Stratification : Functions and Dysfunctions
C Types of Social Mobility
D Factors Influencing Social Mobility
Chapter-4 Social Control
A Social Control : Meaning and Defination
B cteristics of Social Control
C Means of Social Control
- Mores
- Folkways
- Custom
- Law
- Fashion
D Importance of Social Control.
1. Desai A. R. : Samajkhan 1-4 (Guj.) Guj. Uni. 1960.
2. Biersted Robert : The social order, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1970.
3. Alex Inkeles : What is sociology ! An introduction to the discipline & profession,
Prentice Hall Inc. 1964.
4. Davis Kingsley : Human Society, Macmillan Co., 1961.
5. Gisbert : Fundamentals of Sociology.
6. Horton and Hunt : Sociology, Macgraw Hill Book Co. 1964.
7. Fairchild (Ed.) : Dictionary of Sociology.
8. Fichter Joseph H. : Sociology The University of Chicago Press, 1957.
9. Government of India : Social Welfare in India Planning Commission, 1960.
10. Haridas T. Majumdar : The Grammar of Sociology - Man in Society, Asia Pub.
House, 1966.
11. Johnson Harry M. : Sociology - A Systematic Introduction, Allied Publication
Indian Ed. 1966.
12. Ogburn and Him Koff : A H and Book of Sociology, Euresia Bub House, 1966.
13. Usha Kanharse (Trans.) Samajshatra (Gujarati) Guj. Uni.
14. V. Joshi (Dr.) “Paribhashik Shabda Kosh” Uni Granthnirman Board, Ahmedabad,
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